'The Joy'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2018.08.10 찬송가 587 -UCLA CD - Oh, The Joy 4
posted by 지방교회 스토리 2018. 8. 10. 05:00

찬송가 587 -UCLA CD - Oh, The Joy - 지방교회들 찬송가

아무것도 갖지 않고 아무것도 보지 않고

영광 안의 그리스도만 바라보는 기쁨이여

아무것도 갖지 않고 아무것도 되지 않고

오직 그의 권익만을 관심하는 기쁨이여

Oh the joy of having nothing
being nothing, seeing nothing,
but a living Christ in glory
and being careful for nothing.

Oh the joy of having nothing
being nothing, seeing nothing
but a living Christ in glory
and His interests here on Earth.

Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
in spite of Satan and his plan
He's getting something real and solid
by growing in the hearts of man.
It's nothing like religion teaches:
"You have to wait until you die."
For the kingdom Christ is building
is right here on Earth before our eyes.