posted by 지방교회 스토리 2018. 6. 24. 05:00

찬송가 538 - From My Heart - Sisters - 지방교회들 찬송가

*출처 / 번안:Praisenote*

1. 사랑의 노래 부르네 나에게 생명을 주셨네 당신을 떠날 수 없네 오 변찮는 사랑을 누리네

누림 가득해 기쁨 넘치네 당신의 온 존재로 날 사로잡네 내 맘을 매혹하셨네 오 내 삶을 당신께 드리리

2. 당신을 만난 이후로 오 달콤한 사랑에 빠졌네 공허함 변해 만족돼 다른 것은 날 채울 수 없네

돌이킨 후에 내 맘을 열고 나를 향한 당신의 사랑에 잠겨 이제는 하나되었네 내 자신을 당신께 드리리

1.From my heart comes a melody Of the One who gave His life for me.

How can I turn away from Thee; Lord, I have seen Thy changeless love for me.

Enjoyment so full! Life's reality!

That's what You're to me: Lord, You have won my heart!

Take my heart, take my whole life too; Lord, I can't help giving myself to You.

2.From the day that I first met You. 
How could I help falling in love with You?

Emptiness turned life's pleasures blue; No earthly love ever could see me through.

'Till I turned one day Opened up my heart, Let Your love flow inAnd fill my deepest part.

Now I know, Lord, You're one with me; And I can't help giving myself to Thee.

Lord, I can't help giving myself to Thee.