1 The church as the bride is a matter of love, God’s inner substance, so sweet; As we enjoy God in His presence divine, Our first love and best love we keep.
Nothing but love, poured from above Can make us overcomers today; Love strong as death, ’til our last breath, Come quickly, Lord Jesus, we pray!
2 O come, my Belov’d, and let us go forth, Enjoying a fresh bridal love; When working together, a fragrance breaks forth, The fragrance of mutual love.
3 To just love the Lord is to give Him first place, To live Him and treasure His heart, Appreciate Him, open fully to Him, Until we become His counterpart.
4 Lord, grant us a strong and affectionate love, A burning and flaming hot love; Our last testimony, through rapturous praise, Is “Loving You, Lord, was enough!”