posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 3. 6. 00:15

찬양 644회

선한 싸움 싸워 노정 다 달리고


선한 싸움 싸워 노정 다 달리고

선한 싸움 싸워 믿음 지켰으니

이제는 의의 면류관-이 준비되-어 있-네

의로우신 주님-이 내게 보상으로 주실

또 그분께-서 나타나-시기-를

사모-하-는 이에게도

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 3. 2. 00:49

지방교회 동영상 생명이만나 245회

에디슨의 최대 발명

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 2. 18. 00:10

찬양 631회

Nearer Each Day To Me

new song


Nearer each day to me,

Dearer each day to me,

This Person inside me is

Becoming reality.

Saving me, loving me,

Faith and hope giving me.

You’re all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.


Even when faith is small,

When there’s no hope at all,

I hear Him say to me,

Trust in Me and you’ll see,

That I’ll supply all your needs,

If only you will believe.

All anxious doubts will cease,

While trusting in Me.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 2. 3. 00:05

지방교회 동영상 생명이만나 233회

내가 맛보지 않고 어찌 맛을 단언하겠소!

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 1. 7. 00:10

찬양 601회

The Best Love for the Lord


Loving You, Lord’s all I’m living for;

Loving You, Lord, to the uttermost.

Lord, forgive me if I’ve left my first love,

That’s the bridal love to You.

You are more than any one I love.

You are more than anything I have,

Even my dear self; nothing can compare

To my beloved Bridegroom.

I give You the first place in all things by faith.

Let nothing take Your place in all my heart.

Infuse me with Yourself abundantly

’Til we meet, dear Lord.

I’ll love You with the best love.


You’ve the right to take all that I love,

But replace it with Yourself much more.

You are what I need, give Yourself to me,

Do not give all that I want.

Everything is sure to pass away,

Everyone is going their own way.

But I still have You and You have me too,

Loving one another’s sweet.


I treasure my time alone with You,

Just to gain the best love You long for.

My dearest Husband, draw me with Yourself

Into Your chambers right now.

Be the first in all my work and life,

Be the first in all my service too.

In relationships, You must be the first;

Have preeminence in me.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 12. 19. 00:05

지방교회 동영상 진리이만나 94회

믿음으로 그리스도의 부활생명을 체험함

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 8. 27. 00:05

지방교회 동영상 진리이만나 61회

믿음과 사랑

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 8. 5. 00:10

지방교회 누림글 136회

온전한 드림

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 7. 29. 00:15

찬양 487회

Lord, You love me so immensely


Lord, You love me so immensely;

I would love You more intensely.

Every day and every moment,

O Lord, capture me.

Let my goal and my life’s theme be,

Lord, to love You most supremely;

With all my heart, Lord Jesus,

Keep me faithful unto Thee.

  Draw me, Lord, each day.

Take my veils away.

With a pure heart will I see You;

Lord I just love You.

Nothing else I seek;

No one else for me.

I would fully and absolutely

Give my whole being unto Thee.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 4. 15. 00:10


디모데전서 6:11-12
오직 너 하나님의 사람아 이것들을 피하고 의와 경건과 믿음과 사랑과 인내와 온유를 좇으며 믿음의 선한 싸움을 싸우라 영생을 취하라 이를 위하여 네가 부르심을 입었고 많은 증인 앞에서 선한 증거를 증거하였도다

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