'Wherever You Go'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2018.09.18 찬송가 254 - Wherever You Go - 지방교회 찬송가 2
posted by 지방교회 스토리 2018. 9. 18. 05:00

찬송가 254 - Wherever You Go - 지방교회 찬송가

*출처:Hymnal.net / 번안:Overcomers*

Wherever you go, I will go,

Wherever you dwell, I will dwell;

Your people will be my people,

And your God will be my God.

Wherever you go, I will go,

Wherever you dwell, I will dwell;

Your people will be my people,

And your God will be my God.

Wherever you die, I will die;

And there will I be buried.

Jehovah do to me, and more as well,

If anything but death parts me from you.

Jehovah do to me, and more as well,

If anything but death parts me from you.

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