posted by 지방교회 스토리 2022. 3. 8. 00:10

출처 : 한국복음서원 찬송가


1- 주 예수의 이기는 자 되기원하면
지금 주의 부르심에 귀 기울이라

2- 이기는 자 되려면은 주께 매혹돼
처음 사랑 저버리지 말아야 한다

3- 이기는 자 되려면은 생명 의지해
주를 위해 핍박 고난 받아야 한다

4- 이기는 자 되려면은 주의 증인 돼
이때 네게 감췬 만나 공급되리라

5- 단순하고 순수하게 이기는 자 돼
혼잡함을 이길 때에 주의 힘 얻어

6- 살아 계신 주 의지해 이기는 자 돼
사망으로 더럽히지 말아야 한다

7- 주의 이름 배반 말고 이기는 자 돼
인내의 말 굳게 지켜 힘을 다하라

8- 미지근함 버리고서 이기는 자 돼
네 상태로 만족 말고 더욱 얻으라

9- 주 여전히 부르신다 이기는 자를
주께 충성 다 바쳐서 주 원함 이뤄
면류관을 놓고 주가 지금 부른다
이기는 자 되어 주의 만족 구하리

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 10. 29. 00:10

지방교회 칼럼 296회

죽을 준비나 하시오

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 11. 11. 00:15

찬양 560회

I heard the voice of the Lord

new song


I heard the voice of the Lord

Saying, Whom shall I send?

I heard the voice of the Lord

Saying, Who will go for us?

And I said, I’m here, send me, Lord.

I pour out the cost of my life;

My future is vain—my destiny’s Christ;

Christ is everything!


The people who know their God

Will rise up and show strength!

People who thus know their God

Will take action and move!

We will spread You, Lord, through the earth.

Lord, make us faithful to the end,

Our life and our all be utterly spent,

Spent for the church.


Who’ll bring Your kingdom to come?

These whose hearts are burned with fire.

Who will fight the spiritual war?

They descend as mighty ones!

O Lord Jesus, capture our hearts;

Lord make Your desire our desire!

Your worth’s nothing less than all of our life!

Our life’s to bring You back!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 9. 5. 00:10

지방교회 칼럼 246회

요한계시록 라이프스터디 요약 (6)

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