Don’t you want to know your God?
What’s hidden in His heart for you?
How much He longs for you to come
And open up—
To let Him in to every part
Let Him reveal what’s on His heart
What was the joy set before Him?
It was for her the church—His bride
It was for her, willingly He died
She is the joy deep in His heart
His masterpiece—
His counterpart.
The Lord chose you to be a part
Of His great plan, His work of art.
What wonder! What a privilege!
To satisfy
His yearning to share all He is—
Divine, unsearchable riches!
What wisdom, multifarious expressed!
As we enjoy and enter in
To all He is then we’ll begin
To understand the feeling in
His heart toward us.
What love that motivated Him
To come to us, despite our sin
Why did He go and sell all that He had?
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