찬송가 305번 - Through the Cross, O Lord I Pray - 지방교회 찬송가
Hymn 279
1. First the blood, and then the ointment, Cleansing, then anointing comes;
If we pass not thru Golgotha, Ne’er to Pentecost we’ll come.
If the blood has never cleansed us, Ne’er the Spirit’s pow’r we’ll know,
If for Christ we’d truly witness, Self-life to the Cross must go.
Through the Cross, O Lord, I pray, Put my soul-life all away;
Make me any price to pay, Full anointing to receive.
2. Christ, the Rock, must first be smitten, That the living water flow;
Without death the Spirit’s fulness Ne’er could dwell in man below.
If with Christ we die completely, Willing thus our all to lose,
He will clothe us with His power And to win the world will use.
3. First the altar, then the fire, If no loss, there’ll be no gain;
If our all has not been offered, To the throne we’ll ne’er attain.
If to sacrifice we’re willing, All forsaking, God t’obey,
He to us will be committed And thru us His pow’r display.
4. First we must prepare the vessels That the Oil they may contain;
Dig the valley full of ditches That they may be filled with Rain.
First we must go thru the Jordan Ere anointed from above;
First in death we must be baptized,Then experience the Dove.
5. When we see the ripened harvest Of the golden countryside,
We may know that many seeds have Fallen to the earth and died.
Ere the fruit of life may blossom, We must surely suffer death;
If with Christ we’ve not been buried, We’ll not feel the Spirit’s breath.
6. Since it must be thus, I pray, Lord, Help me go the narrow way;
Deal with pride and make me willing Thus to suffer, Thee t’obey.
I for greater power pray not, Deeper death is what I need;
All the meaning of the Cross, Lord, Work in me-for this I plead.
1. 먼저 피로 씻고서 관유로 적셔지네 골고다 가지 않으면 오순절을 못 얻어
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