'지방교회 스토리 > 찬송가' 카테고리의 다른 글
찬송가 972회 - 그리스도의 몸 (0) | 2021.09.21 |
찬송가 971회 - 오 놀라운 약속의 말씀 (0) | 2021.09.20 |
찬송가 969회 - Fill Me Now! (0) | 2021.09.15 |
찬송가 968회 - 주로부터 나온 생물 (0) | 2021.09.14 |
찬송가 967회 - 옳은 길 따르라 의의 길을 (0) | 2021.09.13 |
찬송가 972회 - 그리스도의 몸 (0) | 2021.09.21 |
찬송가 971회 - 오 놀라운 약속의 말씀 (0) | 2021.09.20 |
찬송가 969회 - Fill Me Now! (0) | 2021.09.15 |
찬송가 968회 - 주로부터 나온 생물 (0) | 2021.09.14 |
찬송가 967회 - 옳은 길 따르라 의의 길을 (0) | 2021.09.13 |
찬양 761회
There’s a life that’s deeper than our mind
new song
There’s a life that’s deeper than our mind,
With experience of man, yet so divine.
It’s a life that knows no bounds;
And with glory is crowned;
It’s of depth and height and breadth unsearchable.
Now this life is just the Living One
Manifested in the Person of the Son.
As the Spirit, He flows;
In our spirit He grows,
Growing up to be the church that He desires.
O Lord, we’re just for Your flowing;
How we need a deeper knowing!
Life is why we’re here
And why You’ve come in us.
Turn us, Lord, turn us now;
Turn us deeply—Life is how
You will get the church,
The home You’re longing for.
In the church, we all can apprehend
All the riches of this life that is within.
Not just shallowness with strife,
But a deep and peaceful life
Is just waiting to flow out, a living spring.
With the saints it’s easy to be bold,
To pursue this life, to gain it, to lay hold.
All the other things we find,
Must be quickly left behind,
So that only life remains for us to see.
Deeper, Lord our turn must be to You;
We would move by life in everything we do;
All our concepts refute,
For Your life be absolute—
Grant us grace to turn much deeper day by day.
When we touch our spirit—such a thrill!
This is far beyond emotion, mind, and will—
It’s within our hidden part—
Come, make home in all our heart;
Let Your presence flow as rivers deep within.
지방교회 찬송가
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