posted by 지방교회 스토리 2021. 4. 9. 00:10


posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 11. 20. 00:15

찬양 567회

팔십 세의 모세가 되기까지

우리는 누구도 정죄하지 않고

누구에게도 요구하지 않고

다만 사랑하고 다만 이해하고

다만 용서할 수 있는

누구도 받을 수 있는

생명의 사람이 되기까지

얼마나 자신을 보아야 하는지

얼마나 많은 실패 필요한지

얼마나 약해져야 하며

또 얼마나 감소되어야만 하는지

팔십 세의 모세가 되기까지

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 6. 21. 00:15

찬양 461회

My old man has been crucified with Him

영어찬송 1179장


My old man has been crucified with Him,

With all its foul corruption deep within;

And buried too its nature serpentine,

Completely finished—this great fact is mine,

  I hold it fast.


But there’s a Person in my spirit now,

Born as a babe so small, so weak, so low;

Who by the Word’s pure milk will grow to be

The overcoming inner man in me

  To gain my heart.


Christ as my Person must possess my heart

And be preeminent in every part.

The former owner died but haunts it still.

O Lord, move in; my mind, emotion, will

  Now welcome Thee.


In spirit mingled, we are one, O Lord,

The human and divine in one accord;

Yet Thou must have a proper faculty

That all Thy glorious personality

  May be expressed.


So, Lord, I give my heart to Thee today,

That it may be Thy home in every way,

A place for Thee to come and settle down,

And all Thy grand recovery work to crown

  In one new man.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 4. 30. 00:15

찬양 423회

소망 없었던 나의 한계

In a low dungeon, hope we had none

영어찬송 1131장 / 한국어 984장


In a low dungeon, hope we had none;

Tried to believe, but faith didn’t come;

God, our sky clearing, Jesus appearing,

We by God were transfused!

We by God were transfused!

  Propitiation made by the blood,

Jesus’ redemption bought us for God!

No condemnation, justification!

We have peace toward God!

We have peace toward God!


Born into Adam, dying we were;

We had a sickness no one could cure.

God, His Son sending, old Adam ending;

He is dead, we are free!

He is dead, we are free!


Now we’re rejoicing, standing in grace,

Oh hallelujah! Sin is erased!

God, in us flowing, in our hearts growing,

We are saved in His life!

We are saved in His life!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 비디오나레이터 2018. 11. 7. 00:27

지방교회 동영상 생명이만나 17회 - 

옛사람을 벗어버림