posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 16. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 841회

When All Around My Sky is Falling

new song


When all around my sky is falling

And fear and doubt run deep in my heart,

It’s in these times I’m on You calling,

Opening to You, Lord, my deepest part.

Oh, Lord Jesus!

How I love You!

And I need You

All the time.

Ahh, to touch You

In my weakness,

And to hold You,

Savior mine.


Lord, by Your mercy You consume me.

It’s all according to God’s plan.

By resurrection life renew me,

Day by day, my inner man.

Oh, Lord Jesus!

How I love You!

And I need You

All the time.

Ahh, to touch You

In my weakness,

And to hold You,

Savior mine.

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