2021. 10. 13. 00:15
Fallen, that’s the way we all begin:
Imprisoned by the evil fate we’re in.
How can we from this hard world of sin
be saved?
Just by calling, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”
Every moment, each day!
Calling on the name of Jesus—
We’re finding is the way.
It’s Jesus, Lord Jesus!
Even though we love the Lord so much,
Somehow, it seems we get out of touch
With Jesus. How can we be freed from such
Sometimes we know we aren’t being real
Then times, we just live by how we feel.
Is there some way we could ever deal
with self?
Christians, scattered throughout all the earth
Are wand’ring—Lord, where is Your Bride of worth?
How can all those of the second birth
be one?
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