posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 9. 16. 00:15

찬양 521회

Reigning in Life

new song


The heavenly vision

Concerning the function

Of God’s chosen people on earth today

Controls and directs us,

Restricts and perfects us

To minister Christ and close this age!

  Reigning in life:

Being ruled by the Spirit,

Restricted and limited;

Reigning in life:

To bring in God’s kingdom

And realize the kingdom life.


A time of confinement

To seek the experience

In being alone with our Lord today

And speak forth with boldness

The dreams of our Father,

Discipling the nations to close this age!

Composed during the 2015 European Young People's Conference in Poland.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 9. 16. 00:10

지방교회 누림글 142회

잔뿌리 솜털뿌리

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posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 9. 16. 00:05

지방교회 동영상 생명이만나 174회

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