posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 11. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 838회

Christ Has Come to Be Life

new song


Christ has come to be life, the processed divine Trinity.

God the Father’s the source, a fountain emerging to be.

God the Son as a gushing up spring,

And the Spirit’s a river for life imparting

Oh how can this miracle be? The Triune God flowing in me!

Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

As this life flows through me, I’m supplied abundantly.

His life nullifies sin! Power springs now from within!

To be free, overcoming spontaneously.


Yet this life though it frees, is not meant for mere victory.

God is full of intent and never could flow aimlessly.

So this life has a totality, a consummate issue encompassing me.

Life moves and life grows, life shapes as it flows

Now I share in this life’s destiny.

Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

We’ll abide mutually, God and man revealed to be

Lamb, Wife, Spirit, and Bride.

Come! Drink! And riverside,

Grows the tree, our enjoyment for eternity!


So I’ve no cause to frown as one who’s received this zoe.

I know life runs its course and triumphs inevitably.

I’m required just to stay in the flow,

If I do the drinking then God gives the growth.

So there’s joy in my heart, and a spring in my step,

And a smile on my face as I sing,

Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 10. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 837회

아 하나님의 은혜로

한국어 259장

[ 구원의 확신과 기쁨―주님의 보호하심 ]

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 9. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 836회

실제 되신 그리스도

한국어 397장

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 8. 00:10

지방교회 찬송가 835회

O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go

new tune


O Love, that wilt not let me go,

I rest my weary soul in Thee;

I give Thee back the life I owe,

That in Thine ocean depths its flow

May richer, fuller be.


O Light, that followest all my way,

I yield my flickering torch to Thee;

My heart restores its borrowed ray,

That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day

May brighter, fairer be.


O Joy, that seekest me through pain,

I cannot close my heart to Thee;

I trace the rainbow through the rain,

And feel the promise is not vain

That morn shall tearless be.


O Cross, that liftest up my head,

I dare not ask to fly from Thee;

I lay in dust life’s glory dead,

And from the ground there blossoms red

Life that shall endless be.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 7. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 834회

나 죄로 피곤할 때

한국어 737장

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 4. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 833회

나 같은 죄인 살리신

한국어 1122장

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 3. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 832회

주 하나님의 지으신 모든 세계

한국어 12장

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 12. 1. 00:10

지방교회 찬송가 831회

I Love My Master

new song


I love my Master, and I will not go out free.

For He has died for me, the highest price He has paid for me.

I love my Master, I will serve Him willingly. 

Remaining near, and close to Him this my plea.

I love You Master, from You I will never leave.

You are my liberty, and my joy complete.

I love my Master, and I will not go out free.

To Him I give my all, my life eternally!


Oh Jesus, Master, to the door post now bring me.

Open my ears to hear, Your voice and all that You say to me.

Oh Jesus, Master, I will obey willingly.

To love and serve Him all my life, this my plea!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 11. 30. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 830회

난 이미 세상 쾌락서

한국어 335장


난 이미 세상 쾌락서 내 몸을 돌렸다네

내 맘은 이미 더 좋은 하늘의 저축 향해

그 허영 자랑 이제 또 날 잡아 끌지 못해

난 이미 세상 던지고 그 경계 넘어섰네

등 뒤로 멀리 멀리 버렸네

난 이미 세상 던지고 그 경계 넘어 섰네


난 어리석고 죄악된 그 행위 버렸다네

난 이제 주의 인도와 주 음성 따른다네

죽음의 종 되지 않고 나 주를 의지하네

주 위해 세상 등 뒤에 저 멀리 버린다네

등 뒤로 멀리 멀리 버리리

주 위해 세상 등 뒤에 저 멀리 버린다네


이전의 어리석은 데 나 다시 가지 않네

더 정죄 없이 안식과 참 평강 누린다네

내 주인 바뀌었으니 그분만 섬기겠네

이 땅의 묶임 벗어나 세상을 뒤로 버려

등 뒤로 멀리 멀리 버리리

이 땅의 묶임 벗어나 세상을 뒤로 버려


내 장래 정해졌으니 딴 주인 원치 않네

주 나의 모든 죄악을 다 사해 주셨다네

내 맘은 주만 섬기길 꼭 작정하였으니

과거를 향해 다시는 더 돌아서지 않네

등 뒤로 멀리 멀리 버리네

과거를 향해 다시는 더 돌아서지 않네

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 11. 27. 00:15

지방교회 찬송가 829회

You Are the Way

new song


There may be days when I’m lost and afraid,

And I can’t seem to find my own way;

Weakened with doubts, looking for a way out.

Help me turn to the spirit, call on Your name, and say,

I love You, Lord.

(You are in me just waiting for me to say)

I love You, Lord.

(You are Love, You are Light, You are the Way.)

Just keep me, Lord.

I’m Yours evermore.


You are light in the darkest of night.

In Your Word I have light for the way.

You’re faithful and true. Give me eyes to see You,

To see you in spirit, trust in Your name, and say,

I love You, Lord.

(You are in me just waiting for me to say)

I love You, Lord.

(You are Love, You are Light, You are the Way.)

Just keep me, Lord.

I’m Yours.


In the darkness I see Your face,

Having peace knowing You are the Way.

Keep my heart ever turned to You

To be walking in spirit, strengthened by Grace to say,

I love You, Lord.

(You are leading me, keeping my path straight.)

I love You, Lord.

(When I call on You I can trust Your name.)

Just keep me, Lord.

I’m Yours evermore.

지방교회 찬송가