posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 10. 2. 00:15

찬양 533회

I Have an Excuse

new song


I have an excuse to praise my God and Father,

I have an excuse to give thanks to my Lord.

I have an excuse to give glory to my God,

Because I know that He is and He’s on the throne.

  Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

I will bless the God and Father

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Of my Lord Jesus Christ

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

I will praise while I have breath

Because I know that He is and I have breath now.


I have an excuse to praise my God and Father,

I have an excuse to give thanks to my Lord.

I have an excuse to give glory to my God,

Because I know that He is and He’s on the throne.


Praise You God and Father!


Praise You Lord Jesus Christ!


I will praise while I have breath

Because I know that He is and He loves me so.

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