1 Lord, how I thank You that You died on the cross for me. Your mercy, my Savior, reached me. And Lord, You paid the highest price, My life bought with Your shed blood, My life now belongs, Lord, to You. And Lord, how can I turn away from Your love, The eternal love which You have for me? I give You my heart; Lord, spread in every part, Till my whole heart belongs to You.
2 Lord gain my heart so that It is single and pure for You. No other love, Lord would I know. Lord I am so in love with You. For You are so lovely, My everything, my all in all. And Lord, I really want to know This Person inside of me. Lord, keep my heart open to You. Keep flowing Your life, Into me that I would grow, And be saturated with You.
1 Oh how sweet it is just to know my Christ! Knowing Him’s the goal of my whole life. Gaining Him supplies me day by day, He’s rich and excellent in every way! I’m fully captured by Him, my All in all! He fills my heart with faith whene’er I call. He is spreading, growing organically As I’m dwelling one with Him continually.
2 As His life flows in, streams of love abound! Love constraining us from all around. So we give ourselves, Lord — Flow in us! May we know You in Your preciousness. O Lord, You’ve made us one! Now we run to You, Pursuing corporately in all we do With the saints until full maturity As Your loving counterpart eternally.