Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her, He gave His perfect life up for her; Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her That He might sanctify her, Cleansing her by the washing of the water in the Word. (repeat)
Not having spot or wrinkle— Or any such things, That she might be holy and without blemish, That He might present the church to Himself Glorious, Christ and the church, Glorious, Christ and the church.
1 My stubborn will at last hath yielded; I would be Thine, and Thine alone, And this the prayer my lips are bringing, “Lord, let in me Thy will be done.”
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer, Till I am wholly lost in Thee; Sweet will of God, still fold me closer, Till I am wholly lost in Thee.
2 I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary, The darksome path hath dreary grown, But now a light has ris’n to cheer me; I find in Thee my Star, my Sun.
3 Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior, Doth now embrace and compass me; All discords hushed, my peace a river, My soul a prisoned bird set free.
4 Shut in with Thee, O Lord, forever, My wayward feet no more to roam; What pow’r from Thee my soul can sever? The center of God’s will my home.
He who does not love has not known God, He who does not love has not known God, because God is love. God is love because God is love. God is love God is love
1 Christ has come to be life, the processed divine Trinity. God the Father’s the source, a fountain emerging to be. God the Son as a gushing up spring, And the Spirit’s a river for life imparting Oh how can this miracle be? The Triune God flowing in me! Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being! I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!
As this life flows through me, I’m supplied abundantly. His life nullifies sin! Power springs now from within! To be free, overcoming spontaneously.
2 Yet this life though it frees, is not meant for mere victory. God is full of intent and never could flow aimlessly. So this life has a totality, a consummate issue encompassing me. Life moves and life grows, life shapes as it flows Now I share in this life’s destiny. Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being! I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!
We’ll abide mutually, God and man revealed to be Lamb, Wife, Spirit, and Bride. Come! Drink! And riverside, Grows the tree, our enjoyment for eternity!
3 So I’ve no cause to frown as one who’s received this zoe. I know life runs its course and triumphs inevitably. I’m required just to stay in the flow, If I do the drinking then God gives the growth. So there’s joy in my heart, and a spring in my step, And a smile on my face as I sing, Oh, I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being! I’ve got rivers of life flowing out of my innermost being!