posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 6. 4. 00:10

찬양 448회

오 아름다운 날 즐거운 날

한국어 1124장

1124- 오 아름다운 날 즐거운 날

1- 오 아름다운 날 즐거운 날 내 어이 잊으리오-

어두움 속에서 헤매던 나 주 예수님 만났네-

다정하고 따뜻한 내 친구 내 마음 채우셨네-

어두움 물리친 구주 예수님을 기쁨으로 증거해-

2- 성령이 내 맘을 주장하사 내 생활 변화되고-

갈보리 십자가 그 사랑이 내 죄를 사하셨네-

이전에 죄악된 내 생활은 모두 다 물러가고-

놀라운 주 은혜 넘치게 주시니 주 이름 찬양하세-

3- 세월은 흘러도 내 맘 속엔 희망은 변함 없고-

하늘의 확실한 참 소망은 나 항상 갖고 있네-

놀라운 그 축복 받은 날은 내 주님 알게 된 날-

영원한 하늘의 고귀한 축복은 내 주님 알게 된 날


하늘 영광 내 맘에 임했네(임했네-)

주 십자가로 나를 구했네(구했네-)

나 죄사함 받고- 밤이 밝은 낮 되었네

하늘 영광 내 맘에 임했네(임했네-)

하늘 영광 내 맘에 임했네- -

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 6. 3. 00:15

찬양 447회

I Live and Yet Not I

new song


I live and yet not I,

For Christ He lives in me.

The life I live in the flesh now

Is Christ, just Christ, to be.

  O what a marvelous hope, Lord,

To find myself in You,

And in experience my boasting,

To know You through and through.


O what a wondrous existence,

Of all which is most blessed.

You see, Lord, I am now softened

To take from You what’s best.

  It’s not my fervent resolve, Lord,

Nor e’en my love untrue.

It’s You in me Who is doing,

What I for You couldn’t do.


From every other attraction—

Be faithful, break me free.

Though smarting, Lord, from Love’s action,

Each wound draws me to Thee.

  You see each end from beginning;

Take me through each dark phase;

As long, Lord, as love conforms me,

Fits me to meet You that day.


So here we are, dear Lord Jesus,

And may Your precious hand,

Accomplish all that You’ve purposed,

All that You’ve for us planned.

  You are our one destination,

You are our destiny.

These days, just for our preparing,

Will leave what in memory?


In us, Lord, gain all You’re after,

In us, Lord, gain Your Bride.

In us, be so very blessed.

In us, be satisfied.

  As we, Lord, become Your fullness

And You in us reside,

Keep us, dear Lord, in Your love-bonds,

As mutually we abide.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 31. 00:15

찬양 446회

인생의 제일 즐거운 혼인 날

한국어 933장

933- 요한복음 2 ~ 1 1장

1- 인생의제일 즐거운 혼인 날 잔치가 한참 무르 익은 때

이것 참 포도주가 떨어졌네인생은 바로 이런 것일세-

2- 한 밤에 행실 좋은 관원 왔네 예수님께가르침 얻으려

교훈은 사람 본성 변케 못해 주 말했네 거듭나야함을-

3- 그렇게많은 남편 있었지만 목마름은갈수록 더해서

날마다 물 길으러 오던 여자 예수 만나 시원함 얻었네-

4- 수많은병자들 중 한 사람이물 동하길 기다리고 있네

종교는 결코 그를 치료 못해 예수 오셔 산 말씀 주셨네-

5- 죽은지나흘 된 자 누워있네무덤 속에 사망에 묶여서

모두 다 둘러서 울고 있을 때 주 오셔 그를 일으키셨네-

6- 오늘도이 예수님 살아 계셔 누구든지 다 구원하시네

맘 활짝 열고 그 이름 부를 때 그가 오셔 넌 영으로 나리-


보라여기 주 예수님 오셔서 물로 새 포도주를만드네-

주 거칠 때 사망은 생명되네 눈먼 자도 밝히 보게 되네-

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 30. 00:15

찬양 445회

O for a thousand tongues to sing

영어찬송 163장


O for a thousand tongues to sing

  My great Redeemer’s praise,

The glories of my God and King,

  The triumphs of His grace.


My gracious Master and my God,

  Assist me to proclaim,

To spread through all the earth abroad,

  The honors of Thy name.


Jesus! the name that charms our fears,

  That bids our sorrows cease;

’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,

  ’Tis life, and health, and peace.


His love my heart has captive made,

  His captive would I be,

For He was bound, and scourged and died,

  My captive soul to free.


He breaks the power of canceled sin,

  He sets the prisoner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean;

  His blood availed for me.


So now Thy blessed Name I love,

  Thy will would e’er be mine.

Had I a thousand hearts to give,

  My Lord, they all were Thine!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 29. 00:15

찬양 444회

아무것도 갖지 않고

내 마음의 노래 49장

아무것도 갖지 않고 아무것도 보지 않고

영광 안의 그리스도만 바라보는 기쁨이여

아무것도 갖지 않고 아무것도 되지 않고

오직 그의 권익만을 관심하는 기쁨이여

Oh the joy of having nothing

being nothing, seeing nothing,

but a living Christ in glory

and being careful for nothing.

Oh the joy of having nothing

being nothing, seeing nothing

but a living Christ in glory

and His interests here on Earth.

Jesus Christ will get His kingdom

in spite of Satan and his plan

He's getting something real and solid

by growing in the hearts of man.

It's nothing like religion teaches:

"You have to wait until you die."

For the kingdom Christ is building

is right here on Earth before our eyes.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 28. 00:10

찬양 443회

How we love the glorious name


How we love the glorious name,

  The name of Jesus!

’Tis the name above all names—

  On earth or in heav’n.

As we breathe this precious name,

  Darkness and death cannot remain;

For we call and get the Person of that name!


Dear Lord Jesus, with our tongues—

  We gladly confess Thy name,

To the glory of the Father God above.

  For to us to speak Thy praise,

Is the enjoyment of our days;

  Calling JESUS is to call the One we love!

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 27. 00:15

찬양 442회

내 사랑아 내가 너를

한국어 926장

926- 노래 중의 노래(Ⅰ)

1- 내 사랑아 내가 너를 바로의 병거의 준마에 비했구나

네 두 뺨은 땋은 머리로 너의 목엔 구슬꿰미 아름답네

우-리가 너를 위하여 나의 영광의 금사슬을

은을 박아 만들리라 은을 박아 만들리라

2- 왕이 상에 앉았을 때 나의 나드 기름 향기 토하였구나

나의 사랑 하는 자는 나의 품 가운데 몰약 향낭이요

나-의 사랑하는 자는 내게 엔게디 포도원의

고벨화 송이로구나 고벨화 송이로구나

3- 내 사랑 너 어여쁘고 어여쁘다 너의 눈이 비둘기 같아

나의 사랑하는 자야 어여쁘고 화창하다 너의 모습

우-리 침상은 푸르고 우리 집은 백향목 들보

잣나무 석가래구나 잣나무 석가래구나

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 24. 00:15

찬양 441회

Two Kisses


Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth,

Whether bitter cold north wind or gentle south;

You are beautiful, my love,

With your eyes of turtledoves;

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth“.

  Lord I love You, I really love You,

You’re the dearest, sweetest, precious love to me!

Lord I love You, I really love You,

Jesus, my Beloved, for eternity!


She’s become a lily, simple, pure and sweet,

Not relying on her naturalness and strength

She is trusting in Christ’s life,

In His rich abundant life;

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth“.


She’s become a garden, fountain, streams, and springs,

From which fragrant, luscious produce Christ’s life brings,

Resurrection life expressed,

In ascension she can rest;

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth“.


She’s become the New Jerusalem, His Bride,

Where His presence for eternity abides,

Here His faithfulness we prove,

And we serve Him for His move;

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth“.


In the final stage of love a kiss remains,

Where the lover and His love forever reign,

“When I find you here with Me, 

I will kiss you, all will see“;

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth“.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 23. 00:15

찬양 440회

과정 거쳐 완결된 삼일 하나님

내 마음의 노래 4장

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2019. 5. 22. 00:15

찬양 439회

How Lovely Are Your Tabernacles


How lovely are Your tabernacles,

This my heart doth seek;

Experience of Christ in all

The offerings we bring.

Once God as life supply,

Now Eden’s ground withheld;

To taste the tree of life requires

An entrance once again.

  My soul, my soul longs

For the courts of the Lord;

My heart and flesh cry out

To my God.


At Thy two altars, e’en the

Weakest sparrow may draw near.

The swallow come for refuge and

A nest for tender care.

Redeemed may entrance find,

And offer thus in prayer

The resurrected Christ in His

Ascension, fragrance rare.


In our acceptance, God in peace

Hath made a living way,

Our boldness now for entering

Within the Holiest Place.

Tis’ here within the ark

Eternal portion share.

Incarnate Triune God and we

One testimony bear.


Eternally Thy house of rest;

With God, now consummate,

We’re mingled, one, incorp’rate

In this mutual dwelling place.

The priests who live to God

Elect among man’s race.

Now Christ’s own Body are,

To have His foretaste in this age.

지방교회 찬송가