posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 2. 18. 00:10

찬양 631회

Nearer Each Day To Me

new song


Nearer each day to me,

Dearer each day to me,

This Person inside me is

Becoming reality.

Saving me, loving me,

Faith and hope giving me.

You’re all the world to me Jesus, my Lord.


Even when faith is small,

When there’s no hope at all,

I hear Him say to me,

Trust in Me and you’ll see,

That I’ll supply all your needs,

If only you will believe.

All anxious doubts will cease,

While trusting in Me.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2020. 2. 18. 00:05

지방교회 동영상 진리이만나 111회

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