posted by 지방교회 스토리 2021. 1. 19. 00:10

지방교회 찬송가 865회

As the world rushes on

new song


As the world rushes on,

I’m reminded of Thee.

Though time passes away,

There’s eternity in me.

Now nothing ’neath the sun,

But Thou and Thou alone,

Can satisfy my heart.

Things temp’ral will not do;

I’d things above pursue;

Eternal One, Thou art.


Priceless ’tis, now I see,

To spend time seeking Thee.

Time is precious to me,

Limited in quantity.

Lord, I just want to spend

My time with only Thee,

For Thou art worthy Lord.

I’d every moment seize,

Not one spent without Thee,

But with my love, my Lord.


How can I spend my time

That it’d be valuable,

Thousand-fold multiplied,

Ever our memorial?

I’d rather spend a day,

With Thee and with Thy saints,

Than thousand days away.

One thing, that do I seek,

To dwell within Thy house

Beholding Thee always.


New beginning I ask.

All my heart, capture more;

All my time, spent with Thee;

All my days, on Thee outpoured.

The time, may I redeem,

From many wasted days,

From wand’ring aimlessly.

More time I cannot waste;

Thou long didst wait for me,

To turn my being to Thee.

지방교회 찬송가

posted by 지방교회 스토리 2021. 1. 19. 00:05

지방교회 진리이만나 205회

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